We're excited to announce the launch of a new app featuring our Roman Villa in partnership with the BBC. The 'BBC Taster VR' app allows anyone to explore the villa in virtual reality from anywhere in the world!'Life as a Roman' is a collaboration between Butser Ancient Farm and the BBC as part of the landmark Civilisations series which tells the story of art from the dawn of human history to the present day, for the first time on a global scale.Butser Ancient Farm submitted the idea to use 360 video to explore the ancient Roman villa and the BBC helped us realise our idea.The Butser Roman Legion helped us populate the villa with a range of people from the villa’s master to lowly slaves. The 360 video lets you explore the villa inside and out and see how people would have lived in Roman Britain.
See how the Roman soldiers used their swords, explore the Roman latrines and furnace, and spy on the Roman dining room.The app and download are available for three months, click here to find out more