Another 'Try It Day' Success!

Last Friday we held our annual 'Try It! Day' event, as part of the Festival of Archaeology run each year by the Council for British Archaeology. It's always a fantastic day, with a range of archaeological and outdoor activities for all the family to take part in.This year our visitors made bread, bird feeders, wooden pendants, wove textiles, dug for artefacts, wattled fences, crushed chalk, tasted Roman cooking, watched blacksmiths at work, practised drumming, Stone Age painting and much more.We'd like to thank all our visitors for making it such a fabulous day, and we'd also like to thank all those who voted on our staff Archaeocake competition! As part of the Festival of Archaeology, we each took part in the Archaeocake baking challenge to create an archaeology-themed cake. The winner was Charlie, who baked an amazing Saxon house cake (below) - you can find all the other entries on our Facebook page here.[embed][/embed]All photos (except the first) below taken by our brilliant volunteer Eleanor Sopwith.capturedsc_9583dsc_9527dsc_9608dsc_9539dsc_9587dsc_9518charlie-sanders-the-chalton-saxon-house