Viking Boat Burn for the Autumn Equinox 2022

We celebrated the Autumn Equinox in style with a spectacular Viking boat burning!

As the sun set on the last summer's day and the year turned to autumn, Vikings marched on our Saxon homeland, and a fierce warrior was lost... Stunning Viking music, an incredible reenactor battle, Saxon and Viking encampments, and of course, fire.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this wonderful event! To everyone who made it out, to all our visitors and volunteers and supporters here, thank you for making things like this possible.

Stay tuned here for some of our favourite pictures from the event!

Relive the magic with our commemorative video!

Watch our short video from the event and relive the magic of the boat burn! See this and 40+ other videos on Butser Plus for just £2.99.


Photos from the Viking Boat Burn

With all our thanks

To all our staff and volunteers, for your hard work on this event! To Herigeas Hundas the Saxon band and Wuffa the Vikings, for the wonderful atmosphere of your encampments and of course the big battle. To the musicians Anna Tam, Seidrblot, and Pentacle Drummers for your incredible performances. To Joe the Smithy, the Saxon Forager, and Jez Smith for your demonstrations. To Westcott woodworkers, Hare and Haber, and the Friends of Butser for your stalls, and Crepe Britain, Matt the hog roast, and the Mobile Coffee Box for your delicious food and drink! To Karl Bailey and Alan Ridgley for allowing us to use your stunning photos. And finally, to our supporters on Butser Plus, to our visitors, and to you 💚