Vikings Attack Butser Ancient Farm!

During the Dark Ages in Britain, a terrifying new enemy launched blood-thirsty attacks on these shores, leaving a trail of panic and fear in their wake.

The Viking raids saw invaders from the North pillaging all over the UK, including in Hampshire.
But they were not the first Pagan invaders to wreak havoc on these islands. After the Roman’s deserted Britain many decades before, war bands of Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Franks made their way to these rich lands to make their new homes, forcing back the native Britons as they went.
These invaders became the Anglo-Saxons, and the new enemy was familiar to them - they shared the same ancestors.

Last weekend Butser was under siege from the Viking horde of Wuffa from Suffolk who had heard about the prosperous Hampshire farm of Butser and its surrounding lands and planned a raid to take it for themselves, by whatever means necessary!

But Butser had a fearsome war band of Anglo-Saxons, the brutal Herigeas Hundas who call these lands their home and were prepared to fight to the death to keep what they hold sacred!

Over two days in September the Saxons and Vikings did battle in front of a wonderful audience cheering from the side lines. Alongside the fighting displays were living history demonstrations, crafts, music and storytelling and we are pleased to report that the Saxons were successful in defending their homelands!

We have a feeling, now the Vikings have had a taste for Butser, they may be back for more! watch this space!

Many thanks to the wonderful Saxon and Viking re-enactors for putting on such a wonderful show!