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CANCELLED Family Warrior Camp

In these extraordinary times the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and visitors is our most important concern. In light of the most recent public health guidance in relation to COVID-19 we have taken the difficult decision to cancel this event.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. All ticket holders will be automatically refunded via TicketSource. Please stay safe and look after one another.

Family Warrior Camp

Friday 19th June 5.30pm to Sunday 21st June 2pm

1 adult and 1 child £180

Each additional adult or child place £80 (maximum of 2 children to any one adult)

Is your family up to the challenge of our Family Warrior Camp? 

This will be the third year of our Family Warrior Camps, back by popular demand! This exclusive opportunity to stay overnight at Butser Ancient Farm, whilst learning ancient survival skills and bonding as a family, is not to be missed! 

We have designed these weekends for whole families, or a parent with one or two children and as you will be responsible for your children we have not set any age limits. (we ask for a maximum of two children per adult in your family group, and you remain responsible for your child at all times during the weekend)

Family Warrior Camp is offering the challenges of Iron Age living but using some modern materials as well. Activities will include shelter building, open fire lighting and cooking, making rope bridges, simple raft building, working cooperatively, walking in the countryside and most importantly enjoying thirty six hours of your family working together towards a common goal.

If you would like to know more details please call the farm on 02392 598838 or email

Butser Ancient Farm family warrior weekend rafting

Equipment list

Make sure to bring the following items for each family member in your group to ensure you have an enjoyable experience!

  • Outdoor Warm Clothing

  • Sleeping Bag

  • Roll Mat

  • Walking boots of trainers (with comfortable hard wearing soles)

  • Washing kit

  • Towel

  • Wooly Hat (the nights may be cold!)

  • Waterproofs

  • spoon

  • mug

  • bowls (x2)

  • spare socks and underwear.

Food will be provided but will be basic and you will be cooking it! (we will also have tea and coffee - adults without a caffeine fix are difficult to motivate!)

Dates and times - Friday 19th June to Sunday 21st June 2020

Arrival between 17:30 and 18:30  on Friday

Depart after Lunch on Sunday

Medical forms and food allergy forms will need to be completed to take part in our family warrior camp.

Cost:  One adult and one child families are £180 with each additional adult or child charged at £80 each for the weekend. (There must be a minimum of one adult per two children and you remain responsible for your children at all times during the weekend)

This price includes all food, drink and accommodation as well as a jam packed schedule of activities from 17.30 on Friday night till after lunch time on Sunday.

Tutor: Keith Page MBE