Butser Ancient Farm

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What work-experience at Butser is all about!

Each year we have several wonderful students join us from across Europe for a work-experience placement, whether they are studying archaeology, cultural heritage, museum studies or a range of other relevant subjects, they get the chance to see how somewhere like Butser operates on a day to day basis, conduct their own experiments and research projects, and generally get stuck in to life on the farm.

At the end of last year, Àngels joined us for a 3 month period from Catalonia.  She brought brilliant new ideas to the farm and worked with us on a huge range of projects from painting the Roman Villa to making pottery, designing signs, evaluating and collecting feedback and more.

Àngels has written a great blog piece for the Exarc website about all the things she experienced and learned during her placement. Take a look here.

We want to say a big thank you to Àngels for all her help and hope to see her back on the farm again before too long!