Butser Ancient Farm

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February Half-Term

We have plenty of activities for the whole family over half-term (Feb 12-16) - and now is the perfect time to watch spring come to life on our ancient farm!There is a new exploration trail aimed at younger visitors, all about the Signs of Spring and the beautiful nature of the South Downs landscape. We'll also have a range of different activities and demonstrations to get involved with:Monday - Learn to make bird feeders to take home, and give your garden birds a burst of energy while they're making their nests.Wednesday - Our blacksmith Wes will be demonstrating knife-making, Hilary will be teaching visitors how to make felt, and Helen will be weaving in the roundhouse.Thursday - A Stone Age-themed extravaganza with flintknapping and deer skinning!Friday - Our Roman cook Janet will be sharing delicious food to taste, bake bread in our bread oven with Simon, and cook bread and stew over the Saxon fire with Elizabeth.We will also be running a rolling series of 10 minute talks on site, each morning and afternoon. The themes will change so have a look on the information board just outside the shop or ask at the reception desk for details. Each talk will give an insight into some aspect of our past.The wickerman has also started for our Beltain Festival 2018 - there aren't many chances to see a 35ft effigy being built in the sunshine! The goats are in kid and the ewes in lamb so, no promises but anything could happen there.... Everything is looking green and pleasant, so why not come and visit over half-term?17361688_1247362005316992_656363232805165089_n