Butser Ancient Farm

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Equinox Boat Burn

Wishing you all a very happy Autumn Equinox, the official start of Autumn!

The autumnal months at the farm are always particularly beautiful as the rising smoke from our Roundhouse fires mixes with the mist rolling down the hills, the distant calls of the rutting deers echoing across the farm.

This year to celebrate the Autumn Equinox we organised a special Equinox Boat Burn event with the Saxons from Herigeas Hundas and the Vikings from Wuffa, accompanied by music from Seidrblot and the Pentacle Drummers and Storytelling from DD Storyteller with special guest Viking expert Dr Cat Jarman. After two years without a proper Beltain celebration it felt very special to be hosting a spectacular burning event once again!

Many thanks to everyone who joined us at the weekend and helped to make the event special and celebrate the Equinox in style!

Click here to listen to a podcast episode from Shine Radio recorded at the event.

Below are a few fantastic photos from the event, many thanks to the photographers for capturing and sharing the images of this special occasion.

Photography by Harvey Mills: (harveymills.com)

Photography by Eleanor Sopwith: